An "angry" Jesus with "blazing eyes" suddenly appeared in the darkened sky amid a howling dust storm and, in a "mighty" voice, told a band of armed Islamist militants, "Why are you persecuting me?"
The encounter with Jesus was recalled by one of the militants nicknamed Haroon, according to the group Bibles4Mideast. He told his own account of an incident earlier reported by the same Christian evangelisation group and published by Christian Today in October. That article was based on the account of Rizwan, one of the Christians being chased by the militants.
Haroon said he and 19 other Islamist militants received instruction from their leader to go after a group of Christians who would be holding a baptism service somewhere in the Middle East. They were instructed to kill every Christian they could find.
Their purpose, said Haroon, was to instil fear among Christians to stop them from sharing God's Word to the Muslims in their country, according to Bibles4Mideast.
The Christian baptism service was already finished and the Christians were already on the bus and on their way back to the church when the militants arrived. The armed men gave chase and began shooting at the bus.
Suddenly, a dust storm formed from out of nowhere. Haroon said they had to stop their vehicles because they couldn't see a thing.
"We were unable to move forward," he said. "We all got down from our cars and continue shooting through the dust storm."
Then Jesus suddenly appeared in the dust storm. Haroon said His voice was so powerful that when he spoke, a strong wind literally swept them off their feet and blew their guns away. It a "terrible experience," he said.
As they struggled to get up, they realised they couldn't talk. Haroon said he was scared to death but, at the same time, felt peace—an experience that was totally new to him. The other members of his group said the same thing.
Haroon said Jesus then told them that he "came to the world not to destroy anyone; but to save."
"Go in peace," Jesus told them, and He then disappeared along with the dust storm.
Haroon and 16 other members of the elite Islamist militant squad praised God after seeing and feeling His powerful presence. They eventually surrendered their lives to Jesus. They are now praying for the other two members of their group who still refuse to turn to Christ, Bibles4Mideast said.
source: Christiantoday
Too much stress makes you sick while too much rest makes you lazy.
Too much spending makes you a shopaholic while too much saving makes you a hoarder.
Too much eating makes you fat while too much dieting makes you skinny.
Too much emphasis on prosperity does not necessarily imply it is a sign of God's favor. Too much emphasis on poverty as a sign of closeness to God is equally erroneous. Both extremes are not good ways to understand how God's kingdom principles work.
Too much spending makes you a shopaholic while too much saving makes you a hoarder.
Too much eating makes you fat while too much dieting makes you skinny.
Too much emphasis on prosperity does not necessarily imply it is a sign of God's favor. Too much emphasis on poverty as a sign of closeness to God is equally erroneous. Both extremes are not good ways to understand how God's kingdom principles work.
But there is one thing that you will never get out of balance when it comes to the assurance of your salvation or eternal life for it is the most important gift that you must receive from God especially now that we are in the last days. If you want to receive eternal life, click here.
About the last days is the reason for this blog and to make us aware of any sign, peril or disaster that might caught us off guard. We must be able to discern the signs of times by knowing and validate the current news around the globe and always be prepared more than ever for the soon coming of our Lord "Jesus Christ," the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Meanwhile, do what you are told to do in season or out season especially in sharing and preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Though no one knows about the exact time or date of His soon return, let us be watchful and spiritually vigilant, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor of love will not be in vain, be the salt and light in this dark world. God bless us and always be guided and empowered by His Holy Spirit.
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