Huwebes, Disyembre 9, 2021

Are You a “Woke" Christian?


The “Woke Movement” in tandem with the rising tide of so-called progressive thinking is nothing more than another pseudo-religion of contemporary, secular humanism. Though these cultural reformers believe that they are on the cutting edge of progressive thought, all that they are really advocating is taking society to the next level of political and cultural correctness. These smug elitists are neither morally right or spiritually regenerated. Many see them as the “culturally correct” thought police and champions of their own version of social fascism.

Though I loathe to identify with this movement masquerading as social revolutionaries; yet, there is a spiritual parallel unfolding among Christians today. This spiritual equivalent involves the only truly “Woke” people in the world - God’s last day remnant. They are those who have awoken to God’s last day call to come out of her. They are those who have awakened from their spiritual stupor and have recognized that God is doing something extraordinary under the traditional church radar.

Though there are many who vaguely sense that something is happening they don’t have the slightest clue what it really is simply because they do not have ears to hear or eyes to see. I firmly believe that the only truly woke people on earth are those found in the ranks of God’s last day’s remnant who have their eyes wide open are hearing God’s wakeup call. It is found among the called-out ones who are truly hearing what God is saying to His church.

Rest assured; the remnant is clearly discerning what it is. They have come to a place in their pilgrimage where they recognize the great deception behind the voices calling people to “COME” - Come to our church, come to our unique gathering, come to our move awesome move of God, come to our sensational “happening”. The voice the remnant is hearing is not the voice of hype, hysteria, melodrama or fear. It is that “still, small voice” of God calling us to “COME OUT” not “COME IN”! This is the true prophetic voice of God that is going forth throughout the earth saying just the opposite of all the other voices of men.

The “Woke” are hearing God’s call to distance ourselves from all the manmade hype and religious nonsense of churchianity. His people are living in new age of enlightenment - not one that adds to or subtracts from God's word but simply brings to light the revelation that He is calling us out of the fad driven church, the celebrity driven church, the purpose driven, the program driven, performance driven, prosperity driven, hype driven, “event” driven, ambition driven, ego driven, political driven, entertainment driven, and gimmick driven. He is calling us out to Him and the renewal of our first love. He is saying, “come out from among her my people” and “come unto me.”

Most can no longer hear that voice because they are too heavily invested in their movement, their church, their circle of friends, their livelihood, their comfort, their complacency or their stubborn pride to change. That is why I no longer cast my pearls before swine because they will only trample them into the mud and turn to rend you with a vicious attack. Except for rare exceptions they just don’t get it, can’t get it and won’t get it.

It is time to wake up and embrace His call to "Wokeness".

From William Kimball @


 ***No one knows what day or hour is the Rapture, but God has His own timeline. And we are almost at the borderline, a transition, a shift between now and the coming 7yr tribulation period. While the world is being set up for the coming of the Antichrist, God is preparing the Bride of Christ to be taken away at the Rapture. Don't be left behind!!!


The Importance of Watching

 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.  For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Luke 21:34-36




Armando P. Mariano

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El Chayil Christian Fellowship